A few rules to follow for the Stylish Blogger Award.
1. Thank and link back the person who awarded you.
2. Share 8 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards.
8 Things about me.
1. I love french fries!
2. I Loooooove Prince!!!!
3. My Favorite color is RED.
4. I Loooooooooooooove COFFEEJ
5. My Favorite movie is Mamma Mia. I cry every time the song "Slipping Through My Fingers" plays.
6. I am a Very shy person that gets nerves very easily.
7. I Love my family time….. Hubby Grilling, TV shows, Movies, playing wii and my daughter playing tricks on her dad.
8. I am a really BIG kid at heart who enjoys watching kid shows and movies with my daughter. I love anything Disney…… A Disney song that would describe me would have to be Peter Pan “I won’t Grow Up!
8 Wounderful blog I have picked and would love for you to viste them.
1. Jamie
2. Jennifer
3. Leah
4. Dorcas
5. Sandra
6. Carley
7. Debbie
8. Jessica